What Should I Post on LinkedIn?

Creating content for your business or agency can be complicated. Not only do you have to decide what to post, but you also have to figure out where to post it.

Considering that each social platform has different audiences, it is crucial that you do research to make sure you are utilizing the platforms that will generate the most reach.

The good news is that copywriting and marketing agencies like us are more than happy to help you figure out everything you need to nail your content.

We already went into more depth about Instagram and its different features, now it’s time to dig a little deeper into the professional social platform, LinkedIn.

Continue reading ” What Should I Post on LinkedIn?”

We Are Your Agency’s Answer to Copywriting Overflow

Does your business or marketing agency suffer from the stress of copywriting overflow?

First of all, what exactly is copywriting overflow?

Basically, it’s the backlog of content you want or need to create, but can’t because you lack the bandwidth for a variety of reasons.

It can be difficult to find the time and mental capacity to consistently create content with everything else on your plate.

Fortunately, you don’t have to do it all alone.

Discover how Waypoint Writing will collaborate with you to create original content and conquer copywriting overflow.

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A Guide to Instagram

Instagram has been around since 2010, but we think it’s safe to say that it has changed drastically since then.

What used to be a basic platform to share square images tagged with tons of hashtags, has now turned into a complex application – at least to those who haven’t mastered it yet.

If you’re one of them, check out our brief guide to creating and posting content on Instagram…

Continue reading “A Guide to Instagram”

What is a CTA? 

Writing a call to action can often make or break the effectiveness of a marketing campaign. A call to action or CTA is a statement intended to convince a viewer to take a desired action.

A blogger might use a CTA to convince readers to check out the rest of their blog; a small business owner might use a CTA on a social post to convince viewers to check out their website.

The point is, your content needs to have a purpose and the CTA is there to underscore that purpose.

Check out a few more points about why your content needs a CTA, along with some tips to ensure you’re creating a CTA strong enough to inspire action.

Continue reading “What is a CTA? “

How to Hashtag

It may seem silly to even ask how to hashtag because it has been around for so long now and everyone uses them, but it’s more than just adding a word after the # symbol. You must make sure that the words you are using in your hashtags are popular and relate to what you’re posting about. But why?

This simple keyword phrase helps link your post with what is popular or trending. If you own a skincare business for example, you will want your posts to show up with other skincare related content. You’ll have to use popular phrases and words like #Skincare, #Natural, #SkincareRoutine, #SkincareTips… just to name a few.

In 2022, hash tagging is a useful tool for any company to generate exposure—when it’s used correctly.

So how exactly do you hashtag?

Continue reading How to Hashtag