Editor’s note:

This post was written as a follow up to a previous guest blog post, featuring our copywriter intern Jayme Severance and his struggle to find full-time employment, having overcome tremendous odds in the wake of a traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Motivated to use my business as a platform to “provide opportunities for fellow creatives to pursue their passions and talents in a professional setting,” I established an internship with Jayme, the results of which are highlighted in his own words below. Combining my mission with Jayme’s upcoming birthday wish to be employed full-time as the enthusiastic, hard-working copywriter he is, the following represents Jayme’s rapidly expanding writing portfolio. The intention is that this newly published work will help fill the gaps in his resume, making him a more compelling candidate to prospective employers.

A New Frontier

Ever since coming to Waypoint Writing in early July as a fledgling copywriter, I have stacked up quite a portfolio in less than 90 days, writing copy and content for clients in a variety of vertical markets, including automotive, fashion, and healthcare.

In this post, I have chosen to showcase some of the published work completed in the service of Waypoint Writing’s clients to better market myself to prospective employers, as my internship concludes.

In the words of copywriting genius, David Ogilvy — it is my hope that when employers consider my portfolio, they will “Look for people who will aim for the remarkable, who will not settle for the routine.”

Pushing Boundaries – Copywriting into New Territory

Below are just a few of the clients I have had the pleasure to write for with Waypoint Writing — each had different needs and goals, and each posed a personal challenge for me, having never crafted content in these verticals before.

Crown Dental

Crown Dental Logo

Located in Nashua, New Hampshire, Crown Dental is a comprehensive dental practice bringing out the best in the smiles of their patients using the latest procedures and dental technology.

For this particular client, I created eight original 500+ word blog posts to better illustrate their services within the span of a few days. This was enough to satisfy their current content needs right up to the New Year. The posts were inclusive of topics in restorative dentistry, such as crowns, dental fillings and bonding, veneers, and the occasional preventative PSA.


ION Loop Logo

Founded in 2009, IonLoop is a brand on the cutting edge of performance and fashionable lifestyle accessories infused with negative ion technology.

This client needed three months of blog content consisting of one post per week following specific thematic guidelines. I was responsible for the conception and creation of posts related to general golfing, health and fitness, athletic technology, and current events.

Automotive Marketing Agency


The client routinely requires both short-form and long-form copy, as well as SEO pages for the latest in crossover automobiles. Here, I was responsible for creating original copy advertising the features of both the 2018 Toyota RAV4 and the 2018 Mazda CX-5, and a comparison piece that differentiated the types of trims available for the 2018 Jeep Renegade.

At present, although my main objective is to secure a full-time opportunity, I may be persuaded to explore certain freelance arrangements in the meantime. If you have a position or assignment that you would be willing to discuss, please contact me directly via email at [email protected].



From Making Headlines With My Brain Injury to Writing Them

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