Why it’s Worth Sending Handwritten Holiday Cards

There is no better way to get into the holidays and connect with others than with a handwritten holiday card! Think about the last time you received something handwritten… how did it make you feel? Connected? Important? Sentimental? 

You are not alone! Studies have shown that your brain reacts differently and more positively to something handwritten as opposed to the same news shared in an email. This applies to everything from a 3-year-old’s Mother’s Day card, to your business holiday cards. 

This season, spread those feelings to all the people surrounding your business! It is important to ensure your employees feel your gratitude around the season of giving. Not just any year, but the past few years we have had in particular, they enjoy all the love and gratitude in the world.

Merry and Brightly Written

Besides spreading the holiday cheer, companies such as Shutterfly suggest there are many reasons why a handwritten holiday card should be your top priority this winter. With a printed photo card, it makes it much easier to send out your thoughts in bulk! 

Use this opportunity to maybe reconnect with clients you have lost touch with. This is a low-risk way to gently remind someone that your business is still booming and eager to present them with the solutions they’re looking for.

Through this card, you are wishing someone well and perhaps also sparking positive memories of their experience working with you and your business!

Another reason to send some joy to the world is to express gratitude to clients. Loyal customers will continue to come back to your business or religiously use your services if they feel respected. You would be going the extra mile to say “Thank you for your continued love of our business” with your handwritten holiday card.

“Deck”orate the Halls with Your Holiday Card

The behind the scenes details of your holiday cards are also important! This could be a great way for you to present promotional photos for your company. Your holiday card is a great opportunity to send out a new and improved logo, an updated head shot, or a photo of your new business location. 

Use this card as a networking opportunity! Send your holiday card out to potential clients and surrounding offices in your business park. Creating relationships this way is meaningful and long-lasting! 

Holiday Givebacks 

Take it a step forward and have your cards contain more than a nice message. Have your connect your holiday card to a charity! What a wonderful way to show all of your card recipients that your business is concerned about giving back.

This holiday season, craft something heartfelt, handwritten, and helpful for your business. Need some help? Our team of creative professionals loves a challenge and welcome the opportunity to collaborate with you on a holiday statement that will speak volumes about your business. Contact us when you’re ready to spread some holiday cheer!

Scary Stuff: Steer Clear of Content Spinning

In honor of Halloween, we are taking a minute to talk about one spooky SEO trick best avoided: content spinning. What is content spinning and why should you steer clear of it?

Stick with us, we’ll scare some sense into you…

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Master Commonly Misspelled Words with the Power of Proofreading

With any piece of professional writing, the bare minimum expectation is to ensure that everything is spelled correctly, requires precise proofreading.

Whether website content, an email newsletter or personal resume, a single misspelled word or phrase can haunt a content page, scaring off prospective clients or even cause potential employers to move very easily to the next resume. 

Rather than rely on spellcheck, make proofreading a priority and master these commonly misspoken and miswritten words and phrases.

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Social Distancing, Sesame Street and CTAs

Sesame Street opening scene, season 49
Sesame Street muppets introduce an episode of season during the show’s 49th season.

Sustaining social distancing is stressful for most of us, including the most introverted in our midst. For those of us who already work from home, pre-COVID 19 crisis, we’ve pretty much perfected our processes for maximum productivity.

But, the pandemic threw a curve ball our way, too, and left most of us without reliable child care — whether that’s from grandparents, a nanny, or daycare. 

In this household, social distancing means super close proximity between professional commitments, deadlines, goals… and my 16-month old. As such, we spend a lot of time on Sesame Street (anti-screen folks, judge away and then go away). 

What I’ve noticed from increased quality time spent social distancing in the company of my toddler and our repeat visits to Sesame Street is that even this iconic children’s show knows the value of a CTA (call-to-action) and uses them consistently. (We’ve not watched every episode, but we’re working on it!)

Why does a call to action (CTA) matter and why did I even notice this in the first place? Read on to find out more… (see what I did there?)

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Blog Through the Blues and Boredom of Social Distancing

Behind the scenes shot of Amanda, owner of Waypoint Writing, keeping up with blogging and baby.

Social distancing is critical now more than ever in order to “flatten the curve” and attempt to reduce the number of coronavirus cases so that our healthcare system can accommodate those in need.

The reality that this system is already stretched thin is worrisome and the endless stream of news reports and updates is exacting a psychological toll on even the most steady and sane among us. 

Compounding this situation is the fact that staying home and away from others is the order of the day. And while this might have sounded good for the first day or so, even the most introverted are craving some actual connection and missing friends and family. 

So, if you’re stuck at home — whether working remotely or waiting for the green light to get back to your storefront, restaurant or business of any size or scope — there is one thing you can do to keep connected and create content in support of your brand: blog. 

Continue reading “Blog Through the Blues and Boredom of Social Distancing”